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Where in the world do you want to go?


What will it take to get you there?

World Languages & Global Competency @ ECHS


Monsieur Ben Hawkins

"Monsieur H"

French Teacher - ECHS

WELCOME to the page for world languages and global competency here at East Carter High School!  While we currently offer traditional face-to-face classes in just one world language (French), there are ways to begin your language learning journey in whatever language you want to learn outside of school and at your finger tips through the web!  This page is dedicated to helping you get connected to the resources that will meet your needs and further your learning goals when it comes to learning about another world language and culture.  If you are a student in French class, you can access Monsieur Hawkins' website by clicking on the link below.  If you are interested in learning another world language other than French on your own, check out the following amazing online resources listed below!

Got any further questions?
Email Monsieur Hawkins anytime at: 

Resource Section

Your one-stop shop for online language learning!

Here's some
FREE apps
to get
you started!

Language Learning Websites

*Most online language learning sites are not free.

Interested in hosting a student through                   ?

Go to their website ( and you can also contact Vicky Barker here at ECHS:

Be a host family for an exchange student from another country!


East Carter High School

405 Hitchins Road

Grayson, KY 41143

Tel: 606-474-6696

Fax: 606-475-9200

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